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Project 1
There are many needs that develop as we move forward in running and maintaining an institution. Donating to this fund allows the administration to place funds towards the most needed items that are happening. Your contributions in this category are generally used towards smaller capital projects that might not be specifically listed on this page.
Project 2
The Lord has blessed us with getting the new roof on the dorm and new flooring the hallways and rooms. We are so thankful to those who helped get this done.

The lobby needs to be expanded to accommodate the boys when they meet for worship and for social time and update their exercise room with better equipment. It is estimated that this project will cost about 35,000 to complete. Your gifts will be appreciated.
Project 3
Harbert Hills has been on the air with our new TV station for about a year now. We are working to complete our TV/ Media studio so students can be trained in video production and editing skills. It is anticipated this project will cost near 50,000 dollars. We have 40,000 already committed and so it will take about 10,000 to complete this project.
Project 4
Harbert Hills Academy is upgrading the campus security system to include campus video coverage in critical areas as well as new door locks and entry control systems for the Administration building and Cafeteria. The budget for this project has increased to 44,000 dollars due to the new entry system requirements by the State of Tennessee for all schools. We currently do not have any funds committed to this project but are proceeding in faith.
Project 5
Transportation project. The two busses we use to transport students for off campus activities are both aging and needing to be replaced with more reliable units. Reasonable used upgrades will be 30 to 40 thousand for each bus. We do not have funds committed to this project yet.
Project 6
This project is the next in line major project. It will be an 11,000 square foot complex to include food processing, storage, as well as a bakery and the cafe and dining area. The anticipated cost of this project is close to 2 million dollars. We are looking for partners to help us get the fundraising going. A matching grant would be a great way to help kick this fundraising effort off.
Project 7
Harbert Hills is expanding its greenhouse operation with the addition of 5 new units. These will give us greater flexibility and control of the growing environment for a variety of crops. The materials for the units are on site. We need to erect them and outfit them with proper irrigation, circulating fans, heaters and lighting. It is estimated to cost 20,000 to complete this project.
Project 8
The new elementary school is headed to completion but we will need to furnish it and add an outside playground. It is anticipated this phase of the project will cost about 40,000.
Project 9
Mrs. Dickman was always one to help keep the history of Harbert Hills alive. She has many photos and some memorabilia. In addition there are items and photos around campus that can be part of telling the story of Harbert Hills from the early days.

We are estimating this project to cost about 40,000 dollars. Please contribute to this fund as you are able to help preserve the history of Harbert Hills. The building that will be restored/renovated/rebuilt and dedicated as a place for preserving history has served as a boys dorm in years gone by and is also affectionately known as the old chicken coop.

Please join us in this project to remember the impact of the pioneers who helped to establish Harbert Hills Academy.
Project 10
Randy’s passion and desire was service for the young people and aged at Harbert Hills Academy. He served as a teacher starting in 1975 and then added the responsibility of Nursing Home administrator in the mid 80’s. In place of flowers his desire was to establish a scholarship fund for worthy students who desired to enter the health field. Donations can be made to the Randall Dickman Scholarship fund on the Harbert Hills Academy website.
Project 11
The untimely death of Mike has left a void in the mission work at Harbert Hills. The family, spearheaded by his sister Marlynn (Manuel) Banta, has decided to establish a special fund for missions in memory of Mike. "The Magenlino (Mr. Mike) Manuel Missions Fund". The objective is "To provide financial support for students and staff of Harbert Hills Academy who cannot afford to participate in school-approved mission trips."
Project 12
Harbert Hills Academy wants to see every student who desires a Christian education to have that opportunity but many families and students are not able to handle the full tuition even after the student is fully engaged in the vocational training program that helps them earn a good portion of their tuition. Please consider a gift to help worthy students and families receive a Christian Education.

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