Fees and Finances

Fees and Finances

Fees and Finances

Harbert Hills Academy operates on the basis of parents and students working together to satisfy the tuition charges.  Students who are involved more and receive a good vocational training grade will have higher credits.  In any event parents are responsible for the difference.  This is estimated based on the parent commitment to the vocational training program.  Harbert Hills does have some scholarship funds available each year and will distribute these based on family need and first come basis.  An application for scholarship assistance is available from the principal.


Tuition for one school year $15,000.00
Entrance Fee $500.00
Total charges $15,500.00  
Student Payments
Student credits from participation in the Vocational Training program during the school year (estimate) $5,600.00
Student credits from participation in the Vocational Training program during the summer  (estimate) $2,000.00
Total student credits $7,600.00  
Parent Payments
Entrance Fee (when student arrives on campus and yearly) $500.00
Monthly fees on 10 month basis (estimate) $740.00 per month $6,900.00
Total parent payments $7,400.00  
Balance at the end of the year $0.00