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Job Descriptions and Duties for Harbert Hills Academy Staff

Our Mission Statement

Our Academy emphasizes personal academic success for each student, with a belief that education is enhanced when based on the eternal principles of education found in the scriptures and writings of Ellen G. White. Based on solid academic preparation and a passion for service, our students will be trained to help others achieve their best. Our Academy’s reputation will be founded on a world-class educational program, personalized to each student's needs, facilitated by an expert staff with an unsurpassed collective track record. We will fulfil this through our mission:

We are committed to providing students a harmonious Christian education focusing on academic excellence, applied skills, and character development to enable self reliance and to know the joy of service.

Our School will strive to accomplish the mission by committing to:

  1. God’s plan for education, challenging young people to pursue their quest for excellence – spiritually, physically, and academically, which will enable them to be of service to man and God.
  2. Use spiritual leadership, mission service, practical education, and Christ-centered learning to mold the characters of our students.

Our Vision Statement

The vision we hold for Harbert Hills Academy clearly defines where we are headed and what we aspire to be, and follows God’s plan for education. It will help build our community, inspire action, yet keep us grounded. To fulfil this, our inspiring vision is focused on:

Exceeding Expectations (Eph. 3:20)

Our vision is grounded by the following:

“Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children. Godliness —godlikeness — is the goal to be reached. Before the student there is opened a path of continual progress. He has an object to achieve, a standard to attain, that includes everything good, and pure, and noble. He will advance as fast and as far as possible in every branch of true knowledge. But his efforts will be directed to objects as much higher than mere selfish and temporal interests as the heavens are higher than the earth” (Education p. 18).

”Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Eph 3:20)

Our School will strive to accomplish our vision by committing to:

  • Leading youth to Christ one step at a time
  • Promoting educational excellence and character development today, to prepare leaders to be of service tomorrow

Our Guiding Core Values

Our strategic plan brings together our strengths to provide a Christ-centered preparatory education that applies relevance through integrated vocational programs. HHA’s strategic direction is guided by the basic beliefs and values inherent in the mission and vision of the Academy:

  1. Providing a harmonious environment in which all students are encouraged to know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Friend.
  2. Demonstrating the power of God to restore the image of God in students and staff through Bible study and prayer.
  3. Having a balanced learning environment that strengthens the body, expands the mind, and develops character.
  4. Promoting personal responsibility, leadership development, and the joy of service in this world and for service in the world to come.
  5. Developing students who are able to support themselves and others through practical skills and work study.
  6. Retaining staff that uphold high moral standards and biblical principals and enjoy working with students in and out of the classroom.
  7. Teaching students to be “thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men’s thoughts” (Education P. 17) with the ability to act in harmony with God’s Word.
  8. Developing a community of learners in which parents and teachers help each student to reach a higher standard of academic excellence, vocational development, and moral conduct to become contributing members of society.
  9. Developing clear, open, and positive communication with staff, parents, and students.
  10. Maintaining a safe, orderly, and attractive learning and living environment.
  11. Learning about and practicing tolerance of other cultures and differences, empowering students to act upon injustice in order to make a difference.
  12. Expecting all members of our school community to be forthright and honest, to maintain personal integrity in all relationships, and to embrace our core values. Respect for God, ourselves, and our fellow human beings is fundamental.
  13. Continuing to provide a hands-on learning experience in the Nursing Home, Bakery, Farm, and Radio Station as part of the students’ education.

Our Educational Philosophy

The school’s beliefs regarding Christian education are based on the Scriptures and the counsel written by Ellen G. White. The aim of our Academy is to provide opportunities for students to develop academic, vocational, and social skills as well as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. “Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come” (Education P. 13). Students are educated to accept the concept of service as a principle of life, to be sensitive to the needs of people, and to become contributing members in the home, church, and society. Our programs and practices are motivated by the following belief:

Our core curriculum is mastered through applied instruction, work study, and service, to empower students for active roles in our global community.

The Academy will strive to accomplish the development of the whole student by committing to the following:


  • Develop, through a challenging curriculum, students’ love and motivation for life-long learning.
  • Provide a range and depth of opportunities to challenge each student to pursue his or her potential.
  • Encourage students to think independently and critically, and to accept responsibility for their academic progress.
  • Strive to help each student develop worthwhile knowledge, essential skills, and positive attitudes, as well as the realization of their potential.
  • Take advantage of teachable moments, believing that education is not taught, but caught.
  • Hold teachers, administrators, students, and parents accountable for student learning.
  • Recognize that intellectual development occurs best when students understand the practical application of the knowledge gained.


  • Enhance student’s confidence in the scriptures as the source of all Truth.
  • Present Jesus as our ‘Example’ and teach by example.
  • Provide opportunities for students to strengthen their personal Christian experience.
  • Set aside time each day for students to engage in personal devotions.
  • Limit access to distracting influences.
  • Develop student-led Bible study and prayer groups.
  • Provide opportunities for outreach to promote unselfish service as an integral part of life.

Physical and Social:

  • Provide opportunities for mentoring through companionship.
  • Actively foster positive values, integrity, ethics, and Christian principles.
  • Empower students to assume active roles in the global community.
  • Understand that the behaviors and attitudes of adults and students in the school community have a strong impact on how students learn and develop.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.


  • Introduce students to a variety of career opportunities through hands-on experience.
  • Show students that their classroom learning has genuine meaning and relevance.
  • Demonstrate the value of useful work.
  • Instil a positive work ethic.


Recruit, support, and retain, Christian faculty and staff with the personal qualities that complement the mission and values of the school and inspire student success.

General Concepts of Teaching positions at Harbert Hills Academy

All staff are a part of a team effort in a boarding school environment where students are in session 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.  The continuous nature of this unique program operated by Harbert Hills Academy requires that each staff member be fully committed to doing their part of shared supervision and operational duties that fall outside of the classroom portion of the program.

Staff jobs at Harbert Hills Academy are 12-month jobs.  Vacation time will be approved as per the staff handbook.  Staff must file a leave request in the office for any days they will not be present.  Sick time will be approved with discretion at the recommendation of a physician if the sick days exceed three days in a row.  Remember that Harbert Hills operates during holiday times, as well, so leave request will be approved depending on the needs of the school.  Staff are expected to be fully involved in the school program.  This includes regular attendance at chapel services, vesper services and church services at the Savannah Seventh-day Adventist Church.

I.  Primary Function

To be an effective, dedicated, SDA Christian, example and professional who demonstrates thorough curriculum knowledge, the ability to teach and assess effectively.  Who is willing to take responsibility for professional development, has pupils who achieve well, communicates well with parents and other teachers, and is willing and able to spend time working with students in assigned vocational training areas.

II.  Qualifications

  • Exhibits a life of unselfish service for others and a balanced mature character patterned after that of the ideal model,  Jesus Christ.
  • Is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • Has a love for and basic knowledge of working with and understanding teenagers.
  • Exhibits the ability to interact with students in a compatible way.
  • Has the necessary training and/or experience in the assigned teaching area to effectively teach the assigned classes.

III.  Core Requirements of the Post

In fulfilling the requirements of the post, the teacher will demonstrate essential professional characteristics, and in particular will:

  • Inspire trust and confidence and build effective relationships with parents, pupils and colleagues;
  • Teach and model the tenants and beliefs of the SDA church in every class and in all interaction with the students;
  • Build team commitment with colleagues and in the classroom engage and motivate pupils;
  • Demonstrate analytical thinking to Improve the quality of pupils' learning;
  • Fully support and assist in the implementation of school policies;
  • Use an effective evaluation process to advance pupil learning and enhance professional practice in line with the school's aspirations and priorities;
  • Have lead responsibility for a subject or aspect of the school's work and assist in developing and implementing plans which identify and meet clear targets and success criteria for its development and/or maintenance;
  • Regularly work with students in assigned vocational training areas;
  • Accept and carry out supervision and organizational responsibilities;
  • Model Christian character;
  • Promote the wider mission, vision and values of the school.

IV.  Professional Responsibilities

  • Practice and promote wholeheartedly and consistently the philosophy, mission and vision of Harbert Hills Academy
  • Have a high sense of loyalty to the aims and ideals of Christian education, particularly to the philosophy of education upon which has been built the self-supporting schools operated according to the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and outlined in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
  • Recognize the brotherhood of man and the right of equality of opportunity of all according their ability without discrimination with regard to race, sex, creed, handicap, or social status.
  • Look upon teaching as a holy vocation.
  • Strive for excellence in teaching methods and techniques.
  • Give encouragement and moral support to his/her associates on the school staff.
  • Give due recognition to the lines of authority and to duties and responsibilities assigned to other staff members and to functions of administration.
  • Meet promptly and faithfully all appointments with classes, individual students, other staff, staff meetings, and student groups.
  • Cultivate friendly relations with students, and staff, always avoiding undue familiarity or any appearance of such.
  • Allow students the freedom to express their views with the assurance of careful and objective consideration of opinions expressed by them.
  • Hold in professional confidence the ideas, needs, weaknesses and failures of the students.
  • Refrain from discussing his/her personal problems with the students.
  • Demonstrate loyalty to the school by observance of its regulations and policies.
  • Participate in the activities and programs sponsored by the school and accept and carry out  to the best of his/her ability such responsibilities as may be assigned him/her.
  • Refrain from discussing confidential or official information.

V.  Responsibilities to the Church

  • Transfer and maintain membership in the Savannah Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • Take on leadership positions in the church including church office if asked.
  • Be faithful in returning tithes and offerings to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • Actively support the programs of the local church.

VI.  Specific Duties

  • Keep accurate and complete grade and attendance records as required by the school .
  • Follow the school-approved curriculum for each class.
  • Submit written lesson plans to the principal at least one week before school starts for any given semester.
  • Furnish each student with a class syllabus outlining the requirements of the class.
  • Give each student a written description of the grading method that will be utilized for the class.
  • Utilize textbooks furnished by the school or submit alternate material to the principal for consideration at least 2 weeks prior to classroom use.
  • Select only appropriate audio/video material to be used in the classroom.
  • Participate in Sabbath, recreational, and other supervision duties according to the posted schedule and assigned duties.
  • Attend all faculty and staff meetings
  • Participate regularly in the vocational training work program
  • Solve minor in-class discipline problems.
  • Promote a positive spiritual atmosphere and attitude in the classroom.
  • Practice safety first in all activities.
  • Provide counsel to the students in the academic, spiritual, and social areas.
  • Follow and promote the rules and regulations of Harbert Hills Academy as outlined in the handbook and rules of the school.

I have read, understand and concur with all the information presented in this document and will uphold such and give my best cooperation to the administration of Harbert Hills Academy in fulfilling these duties and responsibilities.


Signature Date

Spirit of Prophecy highlights of counsel regarding teachers and their qualifications.

All Staff are Teachers and Role-Models of the Christian walk that we desire the students to experience.

It is the nicest work ever assumed by men and women to deal with youthful minds. The greatest care should be taken in the education of youth to vary the manner of instruction so as to call forth the high and noble powers of the mind. Parents and teachers of schools are certainly disqualified to educate children properly, if they have not first learned the lessons of self-control, patience, forbearance, gentleness, and love. {CE 5.1}

The human mind must be taught self-control. {CE 6.1}

God never designed that one human mind should be under the complete control of another human mind. And those who make efforts to have the individuality of their pupils submerged in themselves, and they be mind, will, and conscience for their pupils, assume fearful responsibilities. These scholars may, upon certain occasions, appear like well-drilled soldiers. But when the restraint is removed, there will be seen a want of independent action from firm principle, existing in them.

But those who make it their object so to educate their pupils that they may see and feel that the power lies in themselves to make men and women of firm principle, qualified for any position in life, are the most useful and permanently successful teachers. Their work may not show to the very best advantage to careless observers, and their labors may not be valued as highly as the teacher who holds the will and mind of his scholars by absolute authority, but the future lives of the pupils will show the fruits of the better plan of education.  {CE 7.1}

There is danger of both parents and teachers commanding and dictating too much, while they fail to come sufficiently into social relation with their children, or their scholars.

They often hold themselves too much reserved, and exercise their authority in a cold, unsympathizing manner, which cannot win the hearts of their children and pupils.

If they would gather the children close to them, and show that they love them, and manifest an interest in all their efforts, and even in their sports, and sometimes be even a child among them, they would make the children very happy, would gain their love, and win their confidence. And the children would sooner respect and love the authority of their parents and teachers.  {CE 7.2}

The principles and habits of the teacher should be considered of greater importance than even his literary qualifications.

If the teacher is a sincere Christian, he will feel the necessity of having an equal interest in the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual education of his scholars.

In order to exert the right influence, he should have perfect control over himself, and his own heart should be richly imbued with love for his pupils, which will be seen in his looks, words, and acts. He should have firmness of character; then he can mould the minds of his pupils, as well as instruct them in the sciences.  {CE 8.1}

The teacher should ever conduct himself as a Christian gentleman. He should stand in the attitude of a friend and counselor to his pupils.

When every teacher shall forget self, and feel a deep interest in the success and prosperity of his pupils, realizing that they are God's property, and that he must render an account for his influence upon their minds and characters, then we shall have a school in which angels will love to linger.339 {CCh 206.6}

Our church schools need teachers who have high moral qualities; those who can be trusted; those who are sound in the faith and who have tact and patience; those who walk with God and abstain from the very appearance of evil. {CCh 207.1}

To place over young children, teachers who are proud and unloving is wicked. A teacher of this stamp will do great harm to those who are rapidly developing character. If teachers are not submissive to God, if they have no love for the children over whom they preside, or if they show partiality for those who please their fancy, and manifest indifference to those who are less attractive, or to those who are restless and nervous, they should not be employed; for the result of their work will be a loss of souls for Christ. {CCh 207.2}

Teachers are needed, especially for the children, who are calm and kind, manifesting forbearance and love for the very ones who most need it.340 {CCh 207.3}

Is he punctual? Is he cleanly and neat? This should have attention; for these qualities are essential in a teacher.  {CSW 92.1}

While right principles and correct habits are of first importance among the qualifications of the teacher, it is indispensable that he should have a thorough knowledge of the sciences. With uprightness of character, high literary acquirements should be combined.  If you are called to be a teacher, you are called to be a learner also.

The teacher must have aptness for his work. He must have the wisdom and tact required in dealing with minds.

However great his scientific knowledge, however excellent his qualifications in other lines, if he does not gain the respect and confidence of his pupils, his efforts will be in vain.  {Ed 278.6}

Teachers are needed who are quick to discern and improve every opportunity for doing good; those who with enthusiasm combine true dignity, who are able to control, and "apt to teach," who can inspire thought, arouse energy, and impart courage and life.  {Ed 279.1}

Let it never be forgotten that the teacher must be what he desires his pupils to become. Hence, his principles and habits should be considered as of greater importance than even his literary qualifications. He should be a man who fears God, and feels the responsibility of His work.

Having Christ in the heart, we have an eye single to the glory of God. We should strive to comprehend what it means to be in complete union with Christ {FE 456.2}

None who deal with the youth should be iron-hearted, but affectionate, tender, pitiful, courteous, winning, and companionable; yet they should know that reproofs must be given, and that even rebuke may have to be spoken to cut off some evildoing. Encourage the youth to glorify God by giving expression to their gratitude to the Lord for all His mercies. Let their thanks be spoken often in the heart and with the voice, and let self-denial and self-sacrifice be shown. {FE 456.4}

Let every teacher take hold heartily with a group of students, working with them, and teaching them how to work. As the teachers do this, they will gain a valuable experience. Their hearts will be bound up with the hearts of the students, and this will open the way for successful teaching.  {CT 203.2}

They are to be learners even as they teach the common branches. When they have learned the meaning of the simplicity of true education they will better understand how to prepare students for advanced studies. Teachers are to learn as they teach. Advancement is to be made, and by advancement experience is to be gained.  {CT 210.4}

Our teachers should not think that their work ends with giving instruction from books. Several hours each day should be devoted to working with the students in some line of manual training. In no case should this be neglected.  {CT 211.1}

Before he attempts to guide the youth, a teacher should learn to control himself. If he is not a constant learner in the school of Christ; if he has not the discernment and discrimination that would enable him to employ wise methods in his work; if he cannot govern those in his charge with firmness, yet pleasantly and kindly, how can he be successful in his teaching? The teacher who is not under the control of God needs to heed the invitation, "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew 11:29, 30.  {CT 211.3}

Let the teacher bring peace and love and cheerfulness into his work. Let him not allow himself to become angry or provoked. The Lord is looking upon him with intense interest, to see if he is being molded by the divine Teacher. The child who loses his self-control is far more excusable than the teacher who allows himself to become angry and impatient. When a stern reproof is to be given, it may still be given in kindness. Let the teacher beware of making the child stubborn by speaking to him harshly. Let him follow every correction with drops of the oil of kindness. He should never forget that he is dealing with Christ in the person of one of Christ's little ones.  {CT 212.1}

Let it be a settled maxim that in all school discipline, faithfulness and love are to reign. When a student is corrected in such a way that he is not made to feel that the teacher desires to humiliate him, love for the teacher springs up in his heart.  {CT 212.2}

Saint Helena, California, May 17, 1903.

Different teachers should be appointed to oversee a number of students in their work and should work with them. Thus the teachers themselves will learn to carry responsibilities as burden bearers. {6T 179.2}

Let every teacher take hold heartily with a group of students, working with them, and teaching them to work. As the teachers do this, they will gain a valuable experience. Their hearts will be bound up with the hearts of the students, and this will open the way for successful teaching.  {Christian Education, September 1, 1909 par. 3}

Our teachers are not to think that their work ends with giving instruction from books. They should devote several hours each day to working with the students in some line of manual training. This should in no case be neglected.  {Christian Education, September 1, 1909 par. 4}